Jumat, 12 Maret 2010



I. Pengertian Bimbingan
Para ahli mendefinisikan pengertian bimbingan beraneka ragam. Namun dari keberagaman pengertian tersebut terdapat kesamaan, untuk mengetahui pengertian bimbingan kami sajikan pengertian dari para ahli sebagai berikut :
“Guidance is the assistance given to individuals in making intelligent choices and adjustments in their lives. The ability is not innate it must be developed. The fundamental purpose of guidance is to develop in each individual up to the limit of his capacity, the ability to solve his own problems and to make his own adjustments” (Jones, 1963, p. 25.)
“Helping John to see through himself in order that he may see himself through”. (Hamrin, 1947)
“Guidance seeks to have each individual become familiar with a wide range of information about himself, his abilities, his previous development in the various areas of living, and his plans or ambitions for the future. Guidance than seeks to help him become acquainted with the various problems of social, vocational and recreational adjustment with he faces. On the basis of those two types of information and the assistance of counselors, each pupil is helped to face his problems and makes plans for their solution” (Chisholm, 1950, p. 17)
“Rather guidance is assistance made available by competent counselors to an individual of any age to help him direct his own life, develop his own decisions, and carry his burdons” (Crow and Crow, 1951, p. 6).
“Bimbingan adalah bantuan atau pertolongan yang diberikan kepada individu atau sekumpulan individu dalam menghindari atau mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan didalam kehidupannya, agar individu atau sekumpulan individu itu dapat mencapai kesejahteraan hidupnya” (Bimo Walgito, 2004, p. 5).

II. Pengertian Konseling
“Counseling is talking over a problem with some one. Usually but not always, one of the two has facts or experiences or abilities not possessed to the same degree by the other. The process of counseling involves a clearing up of the problem by discussion” (Jons, p. 291).
“Counseling is personal and dynamic relationship between two people who approach a mutually defined problem with mutual consideration for each other to the end that the younger, or less mature, or more troubled of the two is aided to a self determined resolution of his problem” (Wrenn, 1951, p. 60).
“Konseling adalah bantuan yang diberikan kepada individu dalam memecahkan masalah kehidupannya dengan wawancara dan dengan cara yang sesuai dengan keadaan yang dihadapi individu untuk mencapai kesejahteraan hidupnya” (Bimo Walgito, 2004, p. 7)

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